We recognize the importance of providing quality bathroom toiletries.
Hotel guests now expect a complementary range of toiletries and personal care items to be provided in bathrooms. Now it is not a question of whether you should provide more than soap and shampoo, but what you should provide in addition, and the quality of the products you provide. Guests want to feel appreciated and, to a degree pampered, to the point where the bathroom becomes like a mini spa.
Here at My Quest we recognize the importance of providing quality bathroom toiletries, not just so that guests get the maximum benefit, but it is a well-known fact that cheaper toiletries can cause problems for those with sensitive skin.
It is for this very reason that we are proud to say that we have exclusive distribution rights for Zone Cosmetics UK LTD throughout the MENA region.
Beyond being able to provide a superb range of cosmetics from a highly-respected company such as Zone Cosmetics. Our aim is to provide toiletry and personal care products that meet the specific requirements of economy hospitality in 3-4 star hotels, 5-star hotels, boutique and high-end luxury hotels.
Toiletries Packages
We can also provide ‘whole package’ ranges of products that are individually created in content to meet the differing requirements between 3-4 star hotels, 5 star hotels, high-end luxury hotels and boutique hotels. Please contact us for further details.
Amenities and Personal Care Items



Shower Gel

Body Lotion

Soap Tablets/Bars

Hand Wash

Vanity Kits

Nail Kits

Shower Caps

Soap and Lotion Dispensers

Sewing Kits
* Available in individual 30 ml bottles or supplied in 5l quantities for replenishing soap and lotion dispensers.